Monday, August 24, 2020

Christian Hip-Hop vs. Secular free essay sample

Confidence Barbara Hip-bounce Is a type of well known music that is included mostly of emceeing and DJs. As hip-bounce keeps on advancing Into an effective endeavor, It has risen Into patterns, for example, garments styles, Improper discourse known as slang, and a general attitude. While the common business of hip-jump advances sex, medications, and savagery, to give some examples; the Christian goal of hip-bounce is to urge you to downgrade the glorification of these things, and look to your maker as opposed to creation.The very word hip-bounce was utilized by African Bombast, the pioneer of the way of life and affirmed a Zulu country god, to Identify the gatherings that he was facilitating In clubs across New York City In the early asss. From that point forward, he has built up a religion that has settled upon this culture. A result of diverse coordination, rap is profoundly established inside antiquated African culture and oral custom. We will compose a custom exposition test on Christian Hip-Hop versus Mainstream or then again any comparable point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Hip-bounce is accepted to have started in the Bronx by a Jamaican DC named Cool Here.His style of rotting included discussing rhymes over instrumentals. At local gatherings, Here would rap with he mouthpiece, utilizing incalculable in-house references. Copies of Heres parties before long floated through Brooklyn, Manhattan. Here and other square gathering Dos helped spread the message of hip-jump around town and pulled in numerous devotees. Since Its creation, Hip-jump has presented numerous new patterns, from shell-toed Aids to frosted out Jewelry.These have been spoken to by one of hip-bounce components, the rap sort. In this new period of hip-bounce it has taken on another persona, which has become very cultic. Hip-jump, has been utilizing mysterious imagery as a type of elaborate innovativeness. These images are noticeable by means of music recordings and style proclamations. Specifically, the eye and pyramid, mystery hand signals, the goats head (better referred to In the mysterious as the leaflet) and one image that Is by and large intensely utilized the skull and crossbones.Christians specialists, be that as it may, don't bolster these images. As a people living for the Kingdom of God, no ethics or qualities are imparted to what are viewed as heathen rappers, of the mainstream universe of hip-bounce. At the point when we live like the remainder of the world, after its patterns and yearning for the things It prizes, existing to the music that sings the commendation of void interests, we not just hazard fitting in with the examples of the world, yet in addition speaking to Christ gravely before non-devotees. Christian rap gathering: The Cross Movement, says in a tune On Right Now: When an adherent sins you better accept its in logical inconsistency to his heavenly bonus and his undeniable position its hard picking the Christians theyre living like the planet is genuine shameful like Jerry Springer specialist time to switch the channel the God handle this damnation unscramble this, he knows the game like an examiner Its pitiful that we state we love God yet the terrible demonstrations the world does we do as well, better! you mean you accept that lie?When youre not living right youre giving Christ a bruised eye. Hip Hop music is presently developing by a wide margin inside the socialized world just as around the world. Its impact has spread from the socialized world towards the eastern world. Well known craftsman, for example, Ill Wayne, Jim Jones, and Jay Z can be viewed as symbols in the hip bounce industry. They have as of late been related with what is known as a mystery society or my sterious, uncovered to numerous as the illuminant. This word mysterious by standard definition implies escaped view or mystery. In this way, for instance on the off chance that somebody is concealing insider facts from you, the individual in question can be said to have mysterious information. Back during the twelfth century, there was a plot that comprised of nine men who were known as the Knights Template. This mystery society turned out to be amazingly well off because of their assurance administrations which were utilized by Kings and Popes. They held uncommon customs to start new individuals into their association, which involved blood penances, sodomys, and one that even guaranteed rectifying a confidant who kicked the bucket during battle.To this day, there are associations that guarantee to be relatives of the Knights Template, for example, the freemasons and the vile Yale University clique bunch which, by no fortuitous event, is named Skull and Bones. Skull and bones is a mystery society alluded to by some as the American variant of the illuminant. It is reputed that they make the equivalent strange customs for new starts. The skull and bones image was embraced first by substantial metal/musical crews. As of late, one of Jay Gs recordings On to the Next One, there is a fire related crime wearing an all-white outfit holding blades speaking to a Knight Template maybe?Another mysterious image showed in hip bounce is the all powerful eye and pyramid. Jay Gs Rockefeller records hand signal ends up being a portrayal of a pyramid with the individual utilizing the left eye to glance through it. The omnipresent eye can likewise be found on the rear of the one dollar greenback and on corporate logos as AOL Time Warner and Columbia Broadcasting Station. In antiquated Egyptian legends, the eye is available in the accounts of Isis, Souris, Set and Hours (otherwise called Ra). It as additionally utilized stealthily social orders, for example, Freemasons, the Ardor Temple Orients, the request for the Golden Dawn, and the illuminant.Even rap craftsmen that are not partnered with Jay Gs record mark actualize this hand signal. Indeed, even those not subsidiary with hip jump hurl this motion, for exa mple, Bill Gates and Madonna. Leister Crowley, the most acclaimed soothsayer, has a notable statement Do as thou wither will be the entire of the law-imprinted on the hood Jay Z wore on a lot of his video at Yankee arena. Crowley work likewise shows these extraordinary and significant images. The mystery isn't he images themselves however its the implications behind these images that are generally significant.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Unit 1 - Business Enviroment + Unit Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 7500 words

Unit 1 - Business Enviroment + Unit - Coursework Example erent associations, there are anyway four fundamental objectives that an association centers around like endurance in the developing serious market, upgrading benefits through expanded deals and decreased creation costs, development and extension, and catching expanding portion of the national and worldwide markets. Since most associations basically look for benefits along these lines making greatest benefit turns into the most significant goal of the proprietors. Be that as it may, there are a few associations like the beneficent associations whose guideline intention is to offer support to individuals. In the start of any business, an association has no altruism in the market nor does it have steadfast clients. Along these lines, in the underlying stage the key target remains endurance which can be accomplished through acceptable showcasing and limited time methodologies. With the development of the business, benefit making turns into the most significant target. In many associatio ns, the proprietors choose what the destinations ought to be for a given period; anyway there are different partners who can likewise offer their perspectives and thoughts. Partners are any gathering of individuals who have enthusiasm for the exercises of the business association which can be directors, representatives, providers and clients. At the point when a stakeholder’s intrigue is viewed as then it is known as partner thought like proprietors surrendering some portion of their benefits to pay reward to the representatives so as to persuade them to center more enthusiastically towards satisfying the destinations of the concerned association (BBC, 2014). The targets of a business association are exposed to change for both inward reasons, similar to business development, and outer reasons, for example, financial downturn. At the point when a gainful business gets adversely influenced by financial downturn like diminishing deals, it might change its objective from benefit augmentation objective to endurance as it might get hard to keep up a similar degree of yield. Authoritative goals and missions are a portion of the crucial

Sunday, July 19, 2020

4 Free Business Strategy Mind Map Templates

4 Free Business Strategy Mind Map Templates Each year brings new opportunities, as well as potential new challenges. In  order to make the most of the next year, its important to come up with cohesive strategies that will allow you to prepare for the best, as well as the worst. To support you with this, we’ve created four (free!) mind map strategies. These will help you to plan out your business progression, pre-empt potential problems, preserve collective knowledge, and hopefully, ultimately boost company or organizational growth. Looking for even more ways to use mind maps? Get inspired with these 13 mind map examples. 1. Plan an Annual Roadmap Its important that you have a clear vision for your company or organization. Its equally important that  your team are just as clear about these goals too. To achieve this, try creating a visual roadmap, mapping out your key goals and planned steps onto a strategic mind map. Once youve made your mind map, you can share your strategy with employees internally via a shareable link. Weve created a strategy template for a SaaS business below. The following template can of course be edited to be made relevant to other business models. Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit SaaS Business Strategy on MindMeister. To use the mind map, simply sign into MindMeister (or sign up  free) and maximize the map via the map actions icon. Once maximized, click again on the map actions icon and choose to clone the map. From there, edit or embellish the topics to make the map suitable for your business,  covering topics such as: What you plan to achieve in each quarter Which KPIs you’ll be focusing on (Churn, MRR, CMRR) What your financial projections are Which resources you require to achieve these goals A competitive analysis We recently held an ‘all hands meeting’ here at MeisterLabs. During the meeting our Founders  presented their vision for the next year, taking the team through their roadmap via the MindMeister presentation mode. The roadmap gave a great overview of company progression. To provide your team with the same direction,  make sure to disseminate your roadmap to your team, once created. One recent survey found that on average 74% of employees feel theyre missing out on key company information and news. Ensure your whole team feels in the loop by making your strategy available to all staff, via a cloud-based tool. 2. Brainstorm Your Marketing Strategy Marketing campaigns and efforts need to be both strategic and timely. In order to get started with your annual marketing plan, begin by planning out what you’d like to cover, month by month or quarter by quarter, via a marketing team brainstorm. Generating ideas while mind mapping has been found to boost creativity by up to 23%. To help come up with the next big idea, spend your next marketing meeting collaborating on a marketing mind map. Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Marketing Plan Template on MindMeister. Clone  the above mind map  to use as a template for your own marketing strategy, including topics relevant to your business. These could include: Conversion strategies Target customers Pricing and seasonal offers Positioning and PR Influencer marketing opportunities. You can also include links to additional resources, such as your editorial calendar  or newsletter drip campaign Google Sheet. We recently held a marketing team brainstorm here at MeisterLabs to come up with new taglines for social media campaigns. Having shared a collaborative mind map before the meeting, we all added our initial ideas and sources of influence e.g. existing campaigns and imagery we liked. We then projected the mind map during the meeting and each added to it in real-time via our laptops, to come up with text were all happy with. This strategy can also be applied to planning growth experiments. As a team, try brainstorming potential growth hacks in the form of small but influential changes to your product, service or website. Once you’ve brainstormed your first growth ideas, follow the tutorial from MeisterLabs head of Growth, in order to turn these experiments into actionable tasks, via the MindMeister and MeisterTask integration. Get started with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister 3. Undertake a SWOT Analysis A vital part of your yearly strategy will rely on you first establishing the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that your business or organization could be facing this year. In order to prepare, begin with a SWOT analysis via a mind map. Your SWOT analysis could include potential opportunities, such as which customers  you want to be focusing on most and how you plan to tailor  your service to these clients. It should also help you to look out for potential problems. Threats and weaknesses might include emerging competitors and existing bottlenecks. In order to pre-empt and plan for these scenarios, try using the free SWOT analysis template below. Embellish the mind map to ensure you cover the key features, goals, risks and hurdles you expect to face and overcome. Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit SWOT Analysis on MindMeister. 4. Create a Knowledge Map Finally, try creating a mind map which will act as a knowledge map for the collective ideas, plans, and knowledge of your team. LiveBy, the team behind a fast-growing technology tool for real estate companies, are always looking for ways to capture the creative ideas of their team, to then streamline these ideas and decide which are feasible to pursue. To collate all of their product information, the LiveBy team created one very intricate mind map on MindMeister, listing every feature and sub-feature within their product. LiveBy’s CEO, Cory Scott, explains: “It’s a collaborative mind map shared with every team member, so they’re able to login and add their ideas for a new feature or sub-feature straight into the map. New ideas are labeled with a light bulb emoticon so the rest of the team can spot them and provide feedback. The product mind map acts as both a knowledge map, including all existing company information on the product  and a home for new ideas. These ideas can then be discussed within the mind map and followed up in meetings  when deciding which ideas to take forward for product improvements or experiments.” Knowledge management expert, Manel Heredero, explains  that its vitally important for teams to preserve collective company knowledge as it arises, bit by bit. By having an incredibly intricate map, where all product ideas can be captured and assessed, your team will be able to preserve  these thoughts and decide on which to take forward. So those are our four mind maps for planning out your business this year. Let us know how you get on or any questions you might have, in the comments below. Get started with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister 4 Free Business Strategy Mind Map Templates Each year brings new opportunities, as well as potential new challenges. In  order to make the most of the next year, its important to come up with cohesive strategies that will allow you to prepare for the best, as well as the worst. To support you with this, we’ve created four (free!) mind map strategies. These will help you to plan out your business progression, pre-empt potential problems, preserve collective knowledge, and hopefully, ultimately boost company or organizational growth. Looking for even more ways to use mind maps? Get inspired with these 13 mind map examples. 1. Plan an Annual Roadmap Its important that you have a clear vision for your company or organization. Its equally important that  your team are just as clear about these goals too. To achieve this, try creating a visual roadmap, mapping out your key goals and planned steps onto a strategic mind map. Once youve made your mind map, you can share your strategy with employees internally via a shareable link. Weve created a strategy template for a SaaS business below. The following template can of course be edited to be made relevant to other business models. Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit SaaS Business Strategy on MindMeister. To use the mind map, simply sign into MindMeister (or sign up  free) and maximize the map via the map actions icon. Once maximized, click again on the map actions icon and choose to clone the map. From there, edit or embellish the topics to make the map suitable for your business,  covering topics such as: What you plan to achieve in each quarter Which KPIs you’ll be focusing on (Churn, MRR, CMRR) What your financial projections are Which resources you require to achieve these goals A competitive analysis We recently held an ‘all hands meeting’ here at MeisterLabs. During the meeting our Founders  presented their vision for the next year, taking the team through their roadmap via the MindMeister presentation mode. The roadmap gave a great overview of company progression. To provide your team with the same direction,  make sure to disseminate your roadmap to your team, once created. One recent survey found that on average 74% of employees feel theyre missing out on key company information and news. Ensure your whole team feels in the loop by making your strategy available to all staff, via a cloud-based tool. 2. Brainstorm Your Marketing Strategy Marketing campaigns and efforts need to be both strategic and timely. In order to get started with your annual marketing plan, begin by planning out what you’d like to cover, month by month or quarter by quarter, via a marketing team brainstorm. Generating ideas while mind mapping has been found to boost creativity by up to 23%. To help come up with the next big idea, spend your next marketing meeting collaborating on a marketing mind map. Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit Marketing Plan Template on MindMeister. Clone  the above mind map  to use as a template for your own marketing strategy, including topics relevant to your business. These could include: Conversion strategies Target customers Pricing and seasonal offers Positioning and PR Influencer marketing opportunities. You can also include links to additional resources, such as your editorial calendar  or newsletter drip campaign Google Sheet. We recently held a marketing team brainstorm here at MeisterLabs to come up with new taglines for social media campaigns. Having shared a collaborative mind map before the meeting, we all added our initial ideas and sources of influence e.g. existing campaigns and imagery we liked. We then projected the mind map during the meeting and each added to it in real-time via our laptops, to come up with text were all happy with. This strategy can also be applied to planning growth experiments. As a team, try brainstorming potential growth hacks in the form of small but influential changes to your product, service or website. Once you’ve brainstormed your first growth ideas, follow the tutorial from MeisterLabs head of Growth, in order to turn these experiments into actionable tasks, via the MindMeister and MeisterTask integration. Get started with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister 3. Undertake a SWOT Analysis A vital part of your yearly strategy will rely on you first establishing the potential strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that your business or organization could be facing this year. In order to prepare, begin with a SWOT analysis via a mind map. Your SWOT analysis could include potential opportunities, such as which customers  you want to be focusing on most and how you plan to tailor  your service to these clients. It should also help you to look out for potential problems. Threats and weaknesses might include emerging competitors and existing bottlenecks. In order to pre-empt and plan for these scenarios, try using the free SWOT analysis template below. Embellish the mind map to ensure you cover the key features, goals, risks and hurdles you expect to face and overcome. Your browser is not able to display frames. Please visit SWOT Analysis on MindMeister. 4. Create a Knowledge Map Finally, try creating a mind map which will act as a knowledge map for the collective ideas, plans, and knowledge of your team. LiveBy, the team behind a fast-growing technology tool for real estate companies, are always looking for ways to capture the creative ideas of their team, to then streamline these ideas and decide which are feasible to pursue. To collate all of their product information, the LiveBy team created one very intricate mind map on MindMeister, listing every feature and sub-feature within their product. LiveBy’s CEO, Cory Scott, explains: “It’s a collaborative mind map shared with every team member, so they’re able to login and add their ideas for a new feature or sub-feature straight into the map. New ideas are labeled with a light bulb emoticon so the rest of the team can spot them and provide feedback. The product mind map acts as both a knowledge map, including all existing company information on the product  and a home for new ideas. These ideas can then be discussed within the mind map and followed up in meetings  when deciding which ideas to take forward for product improvements or experiments.” Knowledge management expert, Manel Heredero, explains  that its vitally important for teams to preserve collective company knowledge as it arises, bit by bit. By having an incredibly intricate map, where all product ideas can be captured and assessed, your team will be able to preserve  these thoughts and decide on which to take forward. So those are our four mind maps for planning out your business this year. Let us know how you get on or any questions you might have, in the comments below. Get started with mind mapping Sign up for MindMeister Its free! Sign up for MindMeister

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Chronicle of a Death Foretold Honor Essay - 698 Words

The concept and belief of honor in the Columbian culture in Chronicle of a Death Foretold is one of the deciding aspects of the characters actions, motives, and beliefs. Nobody questions the actions taken to preserve ones honor because it is such an important moral trait that one must cherish. In this society a man or woman without honor is an outcast to the community and to the culture. In Chronicle of a Death Foretold two twin brothers are burdened with defending this tradition of honor. The brothers find out that their sister has lost her virginity before marriage and she claims that Santiago Nasar is to blame. To regain the honor of their sister, and their family the brothers believe it is their duty to kill Santiago Nasar. Could such†¦show more content†¦After the killing has taken place it is a well known fact who committed the crime. It is not really a question of guilt. The town knows that the Vicario Brothers are guilty. Somehow the brothers still have a viable defe nse against their actions. They claim that they carried out these actions to regain the honor that Santiago Nasar had stolen from them and their family. This was seen as good reason by the town, which brings up the question of who the real villain in this situation is, the Vicario brothers or the people of the town. Given the circumstances, society is the real villain in this book. The brothers made it very obvious to the town that they were going to kill Santiago. They did so, so that the town would stop them, but they didnt. The author makes it very clear that the brothers had no evil intentions, but rather to kill him in the legitimate defense of honor. Society on the other hand just sat back and let Santiago get killed. The mayor is told of this coming murder, and finds it better suited for himself to play dominoes instead. When he is finished Santiago has already been killed. Society is idle to stopping the death of Santiago. So in the end, society is the real villain in this b ook, not one or two people in particular. The purpose of honor in this book, shows you how important having a good reputation is to people and how its almost the only thing that matters (the world revolves around it for some).People value honor more than lifeShow MoreRelatedHonor and Fate in Chronicle of a Death Foretold1104 Words   |  5 PagesFamilial Honor and fate in Gabriel Garcia Marquezs The Chronicle of a Death Foretold On the day they were going to kill him, Santiago Nasar got up at five-thirty in the morning... (3). In this manner, in the first line of Gabriel Garcia Marquezs novel, Chronicle of a Death Foretold, the reader is introduced to Santiago, the main character who is viciously murdered by Pedro and Pablo Vicario for allegedly taking the virginity of their sister, Angela. In the novel, Marquez uses family honor andRead MoreHonor in Gabriel Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquezs Chronicle of a Death Foretold967 Words   |  4 Pagespower of the value of honor in his book, Chronicle of a Death Foretold. In Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez’s writing, the theme of honor shows to have control over most of the characters. Through the many characters in Garcà ­a Mà ¡rquez’s book, we can see that the heavy burden of one’s honor is portrayed as the reason for Santiago Nasar’s unfortunate homicide.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Pedro and Pablo Vicario, being the ones who held the knives that murdered him, are the direct cause of Santiago Nasar’s death, although, their motiveRead More Honor in No One Writes to the Colonel and Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Garcia-Marquez1616 Words   |  7 PagesHonor in No One Writes to the Colonel and Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Garcia-Marquez Every culture in the world has its own unique set of values that they adhere to in life. The most important value to people is their honor. Honor is a very important factor in a person life that they will stop at nothing to make sure it is not lost. This endless pursuit of keeping honor can causes both positive and negative effects to a society. The reason honor is a main driving force in a personsRead MoreHow Is Family Honor Portrayed in the Novels Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Marquez and Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel?1723 Words   |  7 PagesHow is family honor portrayed in the novels Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Marquez and Like Water for Chocolate by Laura Esquivel? Honor can be perceived in different ways – to some it may be the integrity of their beliefs, while to others it may be a source of dignity and social distinction. In the context of Chronicle of a Death Foretold and Like Water for Chocolate, which are both set in Latin American cultures, the adherence to family honor and values are viewed as one of the highestRead MoreChronicle of a Death Foretold is a novella written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez taking place in900 Words   |  4 PagesChronicle of a Death Foretold is a novella written by Gabriel Garcia Marquez taking place in twentieth century Colombia. Marquez recalls the events of a murder twenty years in the past. The victim, who is named Santiago Nasar in the novella, faces prosecution from his twin friends because the twins’ sister states Santiago took her virginity. As honor was greatly valued in the Colombian society at the time, their worldview led to the requirement for their family’s honor to be restored by killing SantiagoRead MoreTheme Of Machismo In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold1554 Words   |  7 PagesChronicle of a Death Foretold is a story about a murder that happened in a small town, in which the society allowed to happen without questioning it. In this town there is an emphasis on male pride and men’s sexual behaviors. Everyone expects a certain code of male honor from every man. The way they look and act is all portrayed by this emphasis of machismo. Machismo men are stereotypically thought of as strong, rich, loud, and as womanizers. They are often associated with violence. Drinking, fightingRead MoreChronicle Of A Death Foretold Analysis794 Words   |  4 PagesLoss of Honor in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold In the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Garcia Marquez, two of the main characters, Pablo and Pedro Vicario, committed a murder based on allegations presented by their sister Angela Vicario. Throughout the novel, the townspeople try to justify the brothers’ actions as a mechanism to restore their sister’s honor. Based on the novel honor was salient in determining a familys worth; reputation, honor and genderRead MoreChronicle of a Death Foretold Reflective1503 Words   |  7 PagesChronicle of a Death Foretold: Cultural Analysis In America, there is a judicial system that helps justice prevail, to punish criminals, and let the innocent walk. The judicial system allows for there to be a trial where evidence is presented. Through the evidence presented, the jury then decides if the person on trial is innocent or guilty. Never in any trial, in any courthouse, under any judge would it be allowed for a murder to be justified so that one could restore a relative’s honor. HoweverRead MoreChronicle Of A Death Foretold By Gabriel Marquez1256 Words   |  6 Pages Chronicle of a Death Foretold by Gabriel Marquez The most important aspect of the Latin American culture has everything to do with honor. Women have the biggest responsibility when it comes to honor. Losing your honor might undoubtedly portray as the worst deed in this culture. In a Chronicle of a Death Foretold the author Gabriel Marquez demonstrates the horrifying actions taken when losing one’s honor. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the events that occurred in the novel and compare themRead MoreTheme Of Machismo In Chronicle Of A Death Foretold732 Words   |  3 PagesMachismo is when a man feels that he deserves the obedience and respect of all women around him. The novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold is a novella of a murder story retold after 70 years of it happening the novel was published in 1981. In the novel Chronicle of a Death Foretold readers notice several themes throughout the story one of them is machismo. In the novel â€Å"Chronicle of A Death Foretold† the role of men greatly impacts the story with their actions as they are seen as machos. The reader doesn’t

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Cellular Research Alzheimer s Disease - 1118 Words

Cellular Research - Alzheimer s disease Alzheimer’s is a life-threating disease that affects many elderly. This tragic disease affects parts of the brain, severely damaging and hampering the neurons. However, researcher are continually searching for a cure for this disease. In the toxic disease of Alzheimer’s, neurons are the cells that are affected. The neurons connect together in one’s brain to form the â€Å"neuron forest.† These neurons send electrical signals that are sent throughout the brain and impact thoughts, feelings, and memories. The neurons are the way the body communicates with different parts of itself. Neurons can simply be labeled the â€Å"body’s communication system.† Neurons are composed of dendrites and axons. The dendrites are the â€Å"receiver† of information and axons are the â€Å"sender† of information, from the neuron. Neurons main role are to send electrical signals through the body, and help the body communicate with the different parts of itself. Thus, these help the nerve cells carry out their function. The cells connect with each other through a very tiny gap, the synapse. Neurotransmitters are transferred across this gap. The neurons are the foundation of the brain, communicating through electrical impulses. With Alzheimer’s, the brain gets damaged, resulting in a shrinking brain. Alzheimer’s harms the way neurons work, and the way electrical charges travel throughout the â€Å"neuron forest.† Additionally, nerve cells die, dramatically harming an individual.Show MoreRelatedCloning Process : Buccal Swabs Or Whole Blood Samples ( 2-5ml )1223 Words   |  5 PagesCloning Process Buccal swabs or whole blood samples (2-5ml) will be taken from a patient with Alzheimer’s disease. This will be transported to the lab immediately for RNA extraction. The ChargeSwitch gDNA/RNA technologies Purification Kits protocol will be used for the DNA extraction. A reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) procedure will be carried out using the designed primers for cDNA. The cDNA is obtained from the mRNA and not the genomic DNA. Derived cDNA will not be manipulated to obtain stickyRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease And Its Effects On The American Population Essay1636 Words   |  7 PagesAlzheimer’s disease is one of the most devastating degenerative diseases affecting the American population. It is one form of dementia. Dementia is a group of conditions characterized by impairment of at least two brain functions, such as memory loss and judgment. Symptoms include forgetfulness, limited social skills, and thinking abilities so impaired that it interferes with daily functioning. Alzheimer has very few treatment options even though it is increasing globally. Recently environmentalRead MoreSymptoms And Treatment Of Alzheimer s Disease1063 Words   |  5 Pageshelp the effects of Alzheimer’s disease, many of these treat the symptoms but not the cause. One specific medication, cholinesterase inhibitors is not fully understood but it is believed to help decrease the breakdown of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter (About Alzheimer s Disease: Treatment, n.d.). Cholinesterase is both beneficial in it’s aid in treatment and not— this medicine over time causes neurons not to produce as much acetylcholine (About Alzheimer s Disease: Treatment, n.d.). This drug worksRead MoreEssay Characteristics of Non-coding RNA1285 Words   |  6 Pagesnon-coding transcripts as „transcriptional noiseâ€Å" had to be corrected as a significant number of non-coding transcripts showed cell type-specific expression, specific localization in cellular compartments, functional relevance for development and physiology as well as involvement in human diseases, such as cancer (Wilusz et al. 2009; Mercer et al. 2009). Among many classes of ncRNAs, especially microRNAs (miRNAs) have been investigated and i dentified as important componentsRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease And Other Memory Disorders1101 Words   |  5 PagesKennedy Cooper Biotechnology 5th period What are scientists using to diagnose Alzheimer s Disease and other memory disorders early and why should they do so when there is still no cure for it?more Alzheimer s disease is a progressive disease that destroys memory and other important mental functions. It is also the disease that took my grandfather. Since there is no cure and because of how late he was diagnosed, there was little the doctors could do for him. I personally noticed changes in my grandfatherRead MoreNew Research On Alzheimer s Disease1405 Words   |  6 Pages New Research in Alzheimer’s Disease Alzheimer’s disease is an irreversible, progressive brain disorder that slowly destroys memory and thinking skills, and eventually the ability to carry out the simplest tasks. To date, it is officially ranked as the sixth leading cause of death in the United States; however, recent estimates indicate that the disorder may actually rank third, just behind heart disease and cancer, as a cause of death for older people. Alzheimer’s, also known as senile dementiaRead MoreA Study On Alzheimer s Disease1136 Words   |  5 Pagesa dangerous, gradual, and deteriorative ailment, dementia, particularly named Alzheimer s disease. This disease develops as an irregular malfunction which ultimately leads to death. Alzheimer’s disease was found by Dr. Alois Alzheimer, a German physician. A woman of middle age passed away years after she was diagnosed with psychological decayment and confusion that was accompanied with loss of memory. Dr. Alzheimer realized there was an unus ual arrangement in the nerve cells while observing herRead MoreA Disease That Is Common On Age 60 Or Older1388 Words   |  6 PagesAbst [Alzimer it s a disease that is common on age 60 or older. This disease is named after Dr.Akois Alzheimer, in 1906. He notist some changes in the brain tissue of a woman who have died and had a mental problem. her mental symptoms was loss the memory, language problem, sand some communication behavior. When he was examined her brain he found some abnormal clumps, and tangled bundles of fibers. === Alzheimer is a disease memory and thinking skills. At first, people have hardRead MoreThe Biotechnology And Pharmaceutical Industry Essay953 Words   |  4 Pageswell-honed expertise in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology techniques ï‚ § Hands-on and supervisory experience in molecular cloning, genome editing, protein expression, cell line generation and characterization, and cell-based assay developments ï‚ § Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, as well as the ability to motivate high-caliber teams of professionals to achieve high levels of productivity CORE COMPETENCIES ï‚ § Molecular and Cellular Biology: Mammalian Cell Culture (Stem Cells, PrimaryRead MoreAlzheimer s Disease And Its Effects On The Lives Of Millions Americans Essay1714 Words   |  7 PagesNeurodegenerative diseases continue to affect the lives of millions Americans each year, with incidence and prevalence rates ever increasing. These diseases cause degeneration or death of nerve cells in the brain. 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Blessings of Liberty Free Essays

In striking at the ‘domestic Tranquility,’ ‘common defense’ and ‘Blessings of Liberty’ that the US Constitution was established to secure, the terrorist attacks of September 11 not only extinguished thousands of lives but also heralded a dangerous and unprecedented chapter in the ‘American experiment. ‘ 9/11 represented the end of what remained of America’s post–1991 innocence about the severity of global threats and confirmed the many prior warnings that the question of mainland terror was one of when, not whether, it would occur. To some observers, the attacks triggered the most sudden and dramatic change in the history of American foreign policy, bringing an abrupt and decisive end to the post-Cold War era. We will write a custom essay sample on Blessings of Liberty or any similar topic only for you Order Now (Stephen, 2001) But while many declarations proclaimed a permanently transformed world, American responses instead suggested a remarkable continuity. Rather than initiating a transformation, 9/11 accelerated trends, policies and approaches that were well established. If the attacks’ most immediate political effects were certainly dramatic – the Bush administration’s approval ratings soared and public confidence in the federal government attained levels unseen since the early 1960s – the dominant features of recent American politics (not least partisan polarization) remained essentially unchanged. Analogical reasoning in international affairs is as hazardous in theory as it is ubiquitous in practice; hence the question of whether 9/11 will ultimately prove as strategically significant for America as Pearl Harbor, the Cold War or the implosion of the USSR is best left for another day. (Richard, 2001) 9/11 nonetheless proved both that America remains as vulnerable to conventional and unconventional attacks as other nations and that its singular influence renders it an especially inviting target. It also demonstrated, however, that America remains exceptional in its capacity to deploy vast resources and destructive assets on a global scale. The rapid removal of the Taliban regime revealed a hegemonic power with neither peer nor precedent, prompting commentators to compete for adjectival correctness: ‘hyper-power,’ ‘mega-power,’ ‘behemoth. ‘ (Tim, 2002) Confronted by such dominance, critics are surely right to caution about the dangers accompanying such unprecedented and (relatively) unfettered power. But commentary on America frequently remains empirically poorly anchored, wrongly conflating official policies with public preferences and embracing stereo-types about (for example) mass aversion to military casualties that resisted close scrutiny long prior to 2001. The reasons why factual accuracy infrequently intrudes on familiar ‘truisms’ about the USA has received compelling analysis elsewhere (Clive, 2002) but it is in the light of such infrequency that this chapter reviews in turn American perceptions of the terrorist attacks, the responses of the Bush administration and Congress and 9/11’s broader significance for American domestic politics and foreign policy. Terrorism used to be seen by the world’s militaries as â€Å"low intensity conflict† and many commanders such as you were not often preoccupied with it. For us, exceptionally hot years such as 1983 or 1985 were just that–exceptions. Now it’s war. It is a war that the al Qaeda enemy formally declared in 1996, and again in 1998. It’s a war made by a long series of attacks upon free peoples. The U. S. only accepted this as â€Å"war† at the end of 2001, but it is now affixed to the horizon. To call this war is not to say that it is a wholly military contest. If US government has a grand strategy, then this contest is political, ideological, legal, economic, and moral. It is profoundly moral. President Bush made the accurate parallel between terrorist and pirates or slave-traders. All three categories are natural enemies of humanity–an ancient concept of international law, and a good one. On Saturday, the new Pope described terrorism as â€Å"perverse,† a â€Å"cruel decision that shows contempt for the sacred right to life,† and â€Å"a new barbarism. † The global nations, collectively, hold the upper hand in this contest because Allies is a moral cause, and they must not ignore or abandon that moral advantage. (Gray, 2005) Two recent and ugly innovations by terror groups underscore terrorism’s profound inhumanity. You may have noticed the new pattern of terror attacks on aid personnel and nongovernmental organizations. What had been rare is now appallingly common. NGOs† are studying the challenge, but have only begun. For now they often close down relief operations and withdraw in the face of terror–a prudent response, but one that negates their whole purpose, and satisfies the attackers. Until now, NGOs have tended to want nothing from you as commanders except logistical support for their own work. The less contact the better, it seemed. Now, they may begin asking you to help with their security, which is a most complicated job. A second reminder of the character of terrorism is a new pattern of double-bombings. The first explosive is laid to wound and kill; this damage draws in dozens of medical professionals and â€Å"first responders;† (Wolf, 2003) when enough ambulances have arrived, the second timed charge detonates, redoubling the carnage. I first noticed the old Irish Republican Army do this. Then, a right-wing terrorist did it in Atlanta Georgia. The jihadis’ Bali Indonesia bombings confirmed the pattern–a preliminary bomb in a building drove people out into the street, where a far larger bomb murdered many of them. And then, at a fourth point on the globe (Iraq) came the August 17 bombing of a bus terminal in Baghdad. Police naturally rushed to the scene, and that’s when a second bomb blew, in the station parking lot. There was a third layer to the plan. Ambulances rushed wounded to a nearby hospital, and there, awaiting them, was a suicide bomber, who then detonated. When terrorism develops such techniques it rarely regresses; we’ll see more. (Clutterbuck, 2004) The moral relativists who will not understand terrorism–who say, â€Å"it is nothing more than a weapon of the weak†Ã¢â‚¬â€œshould ponder the planning in these double-bombings. How hard you commanders work to train your personnel to protect the Red Cross, to steer clear of ambulances, to avoid hospitals as sanctuaries of the wounded, even amidst actual battle. Compare that with what terrorists plot and do in peacetime, with this explicit targeting of medical personnel. The over-heated religious militants led by al Qaeda have an internationalist program. That is evident from their targeting: Nairobi, Casablanca, Istanbul, Riyadh, and Madrid. Their internationalism is just as evident from their recruitment: Saudis, Moroccans, Algerians, Somalis, Yemenis, Filipinos, and Western Europeans of all kinds. †¦ The enemy confirms all this in how he trains: al Qaeda’s camps in the Sudan, and then Afghanistan, drew tens of thousands, to some 50 training camps, from the corners of the world. In late 2001, in the Afghan war, The Allied coalition captured people from over forty countries! There was of course a Philippines training branch, and another in Indonesia. The array of foreign faces appearing in these camps was widely diverse. The jihadis’ internationalism is just as evident in their ideology: as surely as a good man may be called into good and divine service from Madagascar or America–and they have been–so too might the jihadis’ appeals touch a potential terrorist in Madagascar, or America–and they have. There are treasure troves of al Qaeda documents. Their own words make it apparent that as a policy end, al Qaeda envisages itself as the global leader of a great coalition, and should it conquer, then the creation of a great Caliphate. Mullah Omar and Osama Bin Laden talked about that in Afghanistan–there is a written record of it. If Mullah Omar’s Taliban regime is any indication of how such a Caliphate would govern, very few Muslims would ever want it†¦although the rulers, being totalitarians, would not much care if their regime were wanted. The terrorists’ internationalist policy dictates an internationalist strategy. That is why the celebrated fatwa of February 1998 heralded formation of â€Å"The World Islamic Front for Jihad†¦Ã¢â‚¬  †¦Why Bin Laden’s speeches urge Islamic unity, a seamless community of the faithful, worldwide†¦Why his lieutenant, and doctor, the globe-trotting Egyptian Al Zawahiri, criticizes peoples of the Islamic world when they fail to come when they are called to arms by al Qaeda. (Alexander, 2001) So US government sees al Qaeda’s global reach in its targeting, recruiting, training, ideology, and recovered documents and public pronouncements. Quite obviously, there is a world war, and war must be joined. In the face of such global ambitions and global attacks, all decent governments should ally themselves in counterterrorism. That is the first and most apparent need from the assessment of the present enemy: And at the military level, this direction explains why Commandant Michael Hagee’s strategic â€Å"Vision,† as briefed to leaders of the US Marine Corps, states simply that â€Å"Deterring and defeating Irregular threats places a high priority on working with partner nations†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Adams, 2002) For the U. S. , these ongoing efforts include training international officer students in military staff level and war colleges. The Marine Corps alone has over five hundred such international students and trainees. Then there are the many training missions that the larger military services carry out abroad. USMC training teams were in nine countries in 2004, but this year they’re in five times as many foreign countries. The State Department has an ambitious Antiterrorism Assistance Program, which mixes political, and security matters, and has operated world-wide since 1983. One part of this, conducted through the State Department’s Office of the Coordinator for Counter-terrorism, is the Foreign Emergency Support Team. Over the years, these teams have accomplished liaison with over one hundred partner countries to a limited but useful end: when a crisis occurs abroad, if that country desires U. S. technical support or advice, the mechanisms for it are understood on both sides. (Bolz, 2000) Consider as well Pakistan. Islamabad has made a remarkable and satisfying reversal of old policies. At great risk to itself, the Musharaf administration now studies, surrounds, and seizes bombers, torturers, shooters, plotters, and financiers, foreign and domestic. The Pakistani police are working even harder than the army. The country has extradited such important terrorists as Ramzi Yousef who bombed the New York Trade Towers the first time (1993) and Ramzi Binalshibh, a Yemeni who apparently sought to join his friends in the 9-11 hijacking teams. (Crenshaw, 2001) By the spring of 2003 one of the news magazines wrote admiringly that arrests were coming â€Å"almost weekly† in Pakistan. Few things are as satisfying as a successful trial, conviction and jailing; it puts things fight, and the world sees it. Some democracies created special counter-terrorist forces as an answer to the terrorist atrocities of the late 1960s. Many states built them then. Germany’s GSGN border troops taking down the airliner held by terrorists in Mogadishu in 1978, with a devastating psychological impact on the Red Army Faction†¦French forces boldly recapturing one of their nation’s airliners in Marseilles in December 1994, snuffing out a clear precursor attack on their own capital and preventing a 9-11 in that city†¦Peru’s commandos, quietly enduring the tensions of the four-month siege they laid for MRTA Communists holding the Japanese embassy in Lima, in 1996. When Peru’s commandos finally pounced, in April 1997, it was a magnificent performance that left the bad people stretched out on the ground and the hostages reunited with their astonished families. For specialized work like counterterrorism there must be specialized forces. This is somewhat true even for dealing with a broader insurgency. There are still roles for conscripts and draftees, available in large numbers, to perform traditional duties of aid and occupation, amidst a population for 8 or 12 months somewhere abroad. But the greatest need in Afghanistan today, in Nepal today, in Iraq today, is for confident well-trained professionals who will make long deployments and then consider another tour. At the very least, there must be a sophisticated way of helping capture the lessons they have learned. (Farrell, 2002) Officers do not arrive fresh upon an insurgent scene, such as Iraq, and determine by Clausewitzean coup d’oeil the essence of the problem, and solve it before breakfast tomorrow. Instead the fellow coming in must study, and watch, and wrestle with the language and the newness of the situation, abandon a preconception or two, and think long and hard. It was T. E. Lawrence, Lawrence of Arabia, who wrote that â€Å"Guerrilla war is far more intellectual than a bayonet charge. † Neither guerrilla war nor its antidotes have changed much since his time. Pressures to have intimate human intelligence in this age of global terrorism are very high. In a localized insurgency at least there might be certain common features of the enemy mind. But in this global struggle, the countries of origin are as diverse as the personalities arrayed against America. Policy makers have many lenses through which to study and learn, and prepare what is practical: psychology, political science, political philosophy, regional studies, sociology, and other lenses will all help us take in the character of the enemy. You may be thinking that it is a cliche to call for better human intelligence. (Rubin, 1999) True. It is true that is a cliche, and true that we need better intelligence. In the USA, many blue ribbon panels and careful studies have demanded that America has improved on her intelligence assets as compare to that was before 9-11. In practice, this recommendation means adjustments by more than just intelligence experts. It means education and training, in good, resident, schools. It means making every naval infantry man and woman an â€Å"intel† collector. ( Netanyahu, 2004) It means close cooperation between military and police forces, for the police often know more, being locals, and long-time experts at observing the law-breaking sort of man. Two of the great lessons of British counter-insurgency were in emphasis on intelligence by all units, and emphasis on sharing intelligence between the military and civilian sides, to include sometimes co-locating their two infrastructures. (Solan, 2000) Washington and Langley may emphasize counter-terrorism against al Qaeda but may still disappoint the close NATO partner, Berlin, with how much intelligence Americans actually share. Perhaps Turkey finds Washington’s bureaucrats too busy, or too uninterested, in the problems of the reviving Kurdish insurgency. Yet Turkish blood flows, and Kurdish killers hide just over the border in Iraq, and Americans are said to have some powers in Iraq, so Turks may demand America use influence against their Kurdish terrorists. Russia saw, so long before Americans did, the need for directly aiding the Afghan Northern Alliance led by the brilliant Ahmed Shah Massoud, against the Taliban tyranny, in the 1990s. Now, who should be surprised if Russia feels she has a call on more political support over Chechen separatism. (Wolf, 2003) We must work to measure up to the challenges of allies as well as enemies. As Winston Churchill used to say, ‘a man must never allow himself to fall below the level of events. ‘ References Adams, James. Secret armies: inside the American, Soviet, and European special forces. New York, N. Y. , U. S. A. : The Atlantic Monthly Press, 2002. 440-48 Alexander, Yonah. ; Browne, Marjorie Ann. ; Nanes, Allan S. [eds. ]. Control of terrorism: international documents. (Foreword by Ray S. Cline; published in cooperation with the Center for Strategic and International Studies, Georgetown University). New York, N. Y. , U. S. A. : Crane, Russak, 2001. xvi, 21-25. Bolz, Frank. ; Dudonis, Kenneth J. ; Schulz, David P. The counter-terrorism handbook: tactics, procedures, and techniques. New York, N. Y. , U. S. A. : Elsevier Science, (Series in Practical Aspects of Criminal and Forensic Investigations), 2000. pp. 221-224 Clive Christie, ‘US Hate: A Designer Prejudice for Our Time’, The Times Higher Educational Supplement, 18 Jan. 2002, p. 19. Clutterbuck, Richard L. Living with terrorism. London, G. B. : Faber and Faber, 2004. pp. 151-152 Crenshaw, Martha. Terrorism and international cooperation. Boulder, Colo. New York, N. Y. , U. S. A. : Westview Press; Institute for East-West Security Studies, (Occasional paper Series; 11), 2001. p91 Farrell, William Regis. The U. S. government response to terrorism: in search of an effective strategy. Boulder, Colo. , U. S. A. : Westview Press, (Westview Special Studies in National and International Terrorism), 2002. 139-42 Gray, John ‘Why Terrorism is Unbeatable’, New Statesman, 25 Feb. 2005, pp. 50–3. Netanyahu, Benjamin. [ed. ]. Terrorism: how the West can win. London, G. B. : Weidenfeld and Nicolson, 2004. 25-34 Richard A. Posner, Public Intellectuals: A Study of Decline (Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2001). Rubin, Barry. [ed. ]. The politics of counter-terrorism: the ordeal of democratic states. Washington, D. C. , U. S. A. : Foreign Policy Institute, The Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies, The Johns Hopkins University, 1999. 117-122 Solan, Stephen. Beating international terrorism: an action strategy for preemption and punishment. Maxwell Air Force Base, Ala. ; [Washington, D. C. ], U. S. A. : Air University, Air University Press; [U. S. G. P. O. ], 2000. 60-66 How to cite Blessings of Liberty, Papers

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Investigate the Strength of Straw Essay Example

Investigate the Strength of Straw Essay The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the relationship between the number of straw used and the strength of straw when weigh is constant. First and foremost, experiment was started by using one straw. The initial reading from the pointer was taken before the masses were suspended. Then, the slotted mass carrier together with constant masses in detail, 1000g, was suspended at the straw. As the result, the pointer will give the new reading. That reading was taken as the final reading. Step 2-5 was repeated for vary number of straws. Based to the theory, when we stretched it, we are trying to overcome the intermolecular bonds between the molecules. At the same time we are also trying to change the position of molecules that are held together by the intermolecular bonds. With vary number of straws; its strength also will increase. What we realized after conducting this experiment is once the number of straw increases as the result the length of stretched straw will decrease due to the constant weigh. While, when the length of stretched straw decreases; the strength of straw will increase. This is mean; the number of straw used is proportional to the strength of straw when weigh is constant. Actually we decide our hypothesis based to the theory below; While for the straw itself, when we stretched it, we are trying to overcome the intermolecular bonds between the molecules. At the same time we are also trying to change the position of molecules that are held together by the intermolecular bonds. With vary number of straws; its strength also will increase. Theory: Term such as strength, stiffness and toughness are used in a special way by physicists. We will write a custom essay sample on Investigate the Strength of Straw specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Investigate the Strength of Straw specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Investigate the Strength of Straw specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Strength refers to the quality or state of being strong, in particular the capacity of an object or substance to withstand great force or pressure. While stiff or stiffness means small strains for large stresses (large Young modulus); not stretchy or bendy. Tough or toughness means undergoes considerable plastic deformation before it breaks. Consequently, tough materials absorb a great deal of energy before they break. In the experiment, when choosing a material it is always important to consider how the material behave under the conditions in which it will be used. For example, concrete is very strong under compression, but is weak in tension, where it breaks by brittle fracture as cracks open up. Aluminum has a similar stiffness to glass, but glass is usually brittle and shatters for very small strains whereas aluminum undergoes plastic deformation before breaking. In other word it is tough. While for the straw itself, when we stretched it, we are trying to overcome the intermolecular bonds between the molecules. At the same time we are also trying to change the position of molecules that are held together by the intermolecular bonds. With vary number of straws; its strength also will increase. After carried out this experiment, we realized that our prediction is correct. Once the number of straw increases as the result the length of stretched straw will decrease due to the constant weigh. While, when the length of stretched straw decreases; the strength of straw will increase. This is mean; the number of straw used is proportional to the strength of straw when weigh is constant. Or, in equation form; a b, where: a = Number of straw used b = The strength of straw. According to the result, what we can say is there are some weaknesses in running the experiment. Obviously, this thing we can see in the second trial. More specifically for the 2 straws and 3 straws. There is just little difference between the lengths. This thing cant happen because logically when the number of straw increase as the result the length of straw should be drastically increase too. All these weaknesses occurred due to some reasons: 1. This thing might happen in virtue of our mistake while taking the readings from meter ruler. We should be careful because the parallax error and zero error might occur while taking the reading. 2. Besides that, the effects of a change in surroundings might also affect the result of this experiment. It might in the form of sunlight, wave, water moisture and so forth. 3. Apart from that, many laboratory apparatus that we used is in dissatisfied condition and already outdated. For example, we realized that the scale meter ruler is not accurate or precise than it supposed to be. 4. The observer being less than perfect in the same way every measurement. There are several ways to overcome these problems from occurred again. We can prevent it by making some improvements: 1. First and foremost, try to avoid mistake while taking the readings from the measurement device. We should realize that parallax and zero error can occur while taking the measurement of the length of stretched straw. 2. Besides that, in order to get an accurate result we should use the laboratory apparatus which in the best condition. 3. We also can repeat this experiment may be for 3 or 5 times in order to obtain an accurate result. This is because we can avoid random errors. 4. We also need to be more careful and cautious in running this experiment. Conclusion: 1. Hypothesis is valid and accepted. 2. After running this experiment, we realized that once the number of straw increases as the result the length of stretched straw will decrease due to the constant weigh. While, when the length of stretched straw decreases; the strength of straw will increase. This is mean; the number of straw used is proportional to the strength of straw when weigh is constant.

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

The Trickster essays

The Trickster essays The trickster figure found in American Indian Mythology is a deep reflection of our inner psyche. Deep within us, we all can find the vengeful, animal instincts that define part of the Trickster. We can also find the irony within this character that leads us to challenge societal hierarchy and wonder whether life would be better if lived on a much simpler level. What really is the figure known as the Trickster? Radin describes the character in his prefatory note: Trickster is at one and the same time creator and destroyer, giver and negator, he who dupes others and who is always duped himself. He wills nothing consciously. At all times he is constrained to behave as he does from impulses over which he has no control. He knows neither good nor evil yet he is responsible for both. He possesses no values, moral or social, is at the mercy of his passions and appetites, yet through his actions all values come into being. The figure known as the Trickster appears in many cultures with different forms. Many Native American people told tales of Coyote. Among the Lakota, Spider wove the trickster's web. Among Northwest Coastal people, as well as some Siberian groups on the opposite side of the Pacific, Raven took on the trickster's role. The Blackfoot of the northern Plains saw both Coyote and Raven as tricksters. Worldwide, a variety of animals have taken on the trickster's role. In European and Chinese folklore, Fox often plays the part; some African people see Fox in the same light. Monkeys are tricksters in the Far East, and smaller creatures like Wasp and Mantis appear as well. Karl Jung's explanation for the archetype that surfaces as the Trickster is that they are the product of what he calls the collective unconsciousness. That thread of consciousness that connects all human beings and cultures around the world. It is split off from his consciousness and consequently behaves like an autonomous persona...

Monday, March 2, 2020

The Crimes of Tookie Williams

The Crimes of Tookie Williams On February 28, 1979, Stanley Williams murdered Albert Lewis Owens during a robbery of a 7-Eleven convenience store in Whittier, California. Here are the details of that crime from the Los Angeles County District Attorneys response to Williams petition for executive clemency. Late on the evening of February 27, 1979, Stanley Tookie Williams introduced his friend Alfred Coward, a.k.a. Blackie, to a man named Darryl. A short time later, Darryl, driving a brown station wagon, drove Williams to the residence of James Garrett. Coward followed in his 1969 Cadillac. (Trial Transcript (TT) 2095-2097). Stanley Williams often stayed at the Garrett residence and kept some of his belongings there, including his shotgun. (TT 1673, 1908). At the Garrett residence, Williams went inside and returned carrying a twelve-gauge shotgun. (TT 2097-2098). Darryl and Williams, with Coward following in his car, later drove to another residence, where they obtained a PCP-laced cigarette, which the three men shared. Williams, Coward, and Darryl then went to the residence of Tony Sims. (TT 2109). These four men then discussed where they could go in Pomona to make some money. (TT 2111). The four men then went to yet another residence where they smoked more PCP. (TT 2113-2116). While at this location, Williams left the other men and returned with a .22 caliber handgun, which he also put in the station wagon. (TT 2117-2118). Williams then told Coward, Darryl and Sims they should go to Pomona. In response, Coward and Sims entered the Cadillac, Williams and Darryl entered the station wagon, and both cars traveled on the freeway toward Pomona. (TT 2118-2119). The four men exited the freeway near Whittier Boulevard. (TT 2186). They drove to a Stop-N-Go market and, at Williams direction, Darryl and Sims entered the store to commit a robbery. At the time, Darryl was armed with the .22 caliber handgun. (TT 2117-2218; Tony Sims Parole Hearing Dated July 17, 1997). Johnny Garcia Escapes Death The clerk at the Stop-N-Go market, Johnny Garcia, had just finished mopping the floor when he observed a station wagon and four black men at the door to the market. (TT 2046-2048). Two of the men entered the market. (TT 2048). One of the men went down an aisle while the other approached Garcia. The man that approached Garcia asked for a cigarette. Garcia gave the man a cigarette and lit it for him. After approximately three to four minutes, both men left the market without carrying out the planned robbery. (TT 2049-2050). He Would Show Them How Williams became upset that Darryl and Sims did not commit the robbery. Williams told the men that they would find another place to rob. Williams said that at the next location all of them would go inside and he would show them how to commit a robbery. Coward and Sims then followed Williams and Darryl to the 7-Eleven market located at 10437 Whittier Boulevard. (TT 2186). The store clerk, 26-year-old Albert Lewis Owens, was sweeping the stores parking lot. (TT 2146). Albert Owens is Killed When Darryl and Sims entered the 7-Eleven, Owens put the broom and dustpan down and followed them into the store. Williams and Coward followed Owens into the store. (TT 2146-2152). As Darryl and Sims walked to the counter area to take money from the register, Williams walked behind Owens and told him shut up and keep walking. (TT 2154). While pointing a shotgun at Owens back, Williams directed him to a back storage room. (TT 2154). Once inside the storage room, Williams, at gunpoint, ordered Owens to lay down, mother f*****. Williams then chambered a round into the shotgun. Williams then fired the round into the security monitor. Williams then chambered a second round and fired the round into Owens back as he lay face down on the floor of the storage room. Williams then fired again into Owens back. (TT 2162). Near Contact Wound Both of the shotgun wounds were fatal. (TT 2086). The pathologist who conducted the autopsy on Owens testified that the end of the barrel was very close to Owens body when he was shot. One of the two wounds was described as . . . a near contact wound. (TT 2078). After Williams murdered Owens, he, Darryl, Coward, and Sims fled in the two cars and returned home to Los Angeles. The robbery netted them approximately $120.00. (TT 2280). Killing All White People Once back in Los Angeles, Williams asked if anyone wanted to get something to eat. When Sims asked Williams why he shot Owens, Williams said he didnt want to leave any witnesses. Williams also said he killed Owens because he was white and he was killing all white people. (TT 2189, 2193). Later that same day, Williams bragged to his brother Wayne about killing Owens. Williams said, you should have heard the way he sounded when I shot him. Williams then made gurgling or growling noises and laughed hysterically about Owens death. (TT 2195-2197). Next: The Brookhaven Robbery-Murders

Saturday, February 15, 2020

Response Journal 5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Response Journal 5 - Essay Example According to the CNN article, Transocean, the owner of the rig is blaming BP for its missteps which caused the spill. In the said article, Transocean pointed out that the explosion was the result of "a succession of interrelated well design, construction, and temporary abandonment decisions" that "compounded the likelihood of its failure," (CNN). If the claims of Transocean are true, we can conclude that an engineering decision was partly to blame for the spill. In fact even BP’s investigation revealed a failure in engineering design. As we all know, this spill caused widespread harm to the people, the environment and the wildlife of the region. A major implication of the engineering decisions in this incident is its effect in the environment. Marine life has been largely devastated. The aquatic food chain was disturbed causing the death of a multitude of organisms, several varieties of fish and other sea creatures. The economic implication of the spill is that the people whos e livelihood depends on the ocean now risk losing their means of survival. The social implication can be seen in how the spill affected the health of the workers at the rig and the people within the vicinity. Another important implication of the engineering decisions that led to the oil spill is in the area of politics. Government must have the will to restore the Gulf to its previous healthy condition.

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Vodafone in India Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Vodafone in India - Research Paper Example The political situation in India is democratic and stable which means that the companies can work in India and perform their day-to-day business activities with ease (Bowhill 2008). Recently a single party has an own majority in the elections considered in the country which is a boon for Vodafone as a company as policy decisions are likely to be taken with ease which will help the company. For companies like Vodafone, this presents a huge opportunity and a wide market that it can explore in order to proliferate mobile subscriber base for its business. People in India are family loving and family oriented (Neild and Carol 2008). To take advantage of the situation Vodafone has introduced lower call rates to help stay connected with family members at low cost. Vodafone has been part of these technological changes and introduced advanced technologies in their operational processes. Considering Environmental factors Vodafone markets itself as one which takes care of the environment as thi s plays as a good sentimental advantage and helps the company in long run. There has been recent turmoil that has been witnessed in the telecom sector in India. The turmoil has been witnessed in the spectrum allocation and 2G license. Vodafone as a major telecom company abides by the rules and regulations set by the Supreme Court avoiding any disputes that may affect the brand image. Vodafone has researched on the Indian market and came up with plans to cater the needs of the Indian consumers.

Friday, January 24, 2020

Discrimination Against Women in Male Dominated Sports :: Movie Script Film Creative Writing Papers

Discrimination Against Women in Male Dominated Sports Assume you are a screenwriter in the year 2010. You have been commissioned to write a movie script about women's sports and current society. What is the theme? Who are the protagonists? What are the issues and how does the movie end? Due to the nature of this course, most of the films that have been shown concerned the discrimination women face when they attempt to compete against men in athletic areas that have long been considered unfit for their participation. Divisions of sport that could be regarded as more gender neutral were not mentioned nearly as often as those which have a long tradition of masculine head butting and back slapping, and athletics which are deemed feminine were not brought up at all. If the indignation felt by the protagonists of films like Girlfight is any indication of the present attitude of women towards sex-based discrimination in sport, it is entirely possible that we will have come a long way in the fight for equality by the year 2010. The following scenario is purely hypothetical and the future of the sport involved was manipulated for the purposes of this paper only. The activity of cup stacking has gained much popularity as a sport in the US today and is beginning to become known in areas outside of the country, such as Great Britain. It involves the stacking and dismantling of several predetermined cup arrangements in a specific order, with rules determining the exact manner in which a competitor must achieve this. The most important of these regulations is the ban on using both hands on one cup, as the active participation of both hands improves dexterity and assists right brain development. This is the side of the brain which promotes awareness, focus and rhythm, which are very important skills for the cup stacker and average person alike. Competition can take place on both an individual and team level, the clock and one's personal record being the antagonist in the former scenario. Boys and girls compete without regard to gender in this sport, though the record holder for speed stacking the cycle formation is female, clocking in at 7.43 seco nds. It has been observed that women generally possess more dexterity than men, which would give them a natural advantage in sports of this nature. This observation has led to a hypothesis concerning the domination of women in the future of cup stacking, which is the focus of Stacking Up, brought to you by Pickled Newt Pictures.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Stone Cold Essay

A character study of Shelter from Stone cold. Show how our view of the character changes throughout the novel. Shelter is one of the two first-person narrators in Robert Swindell’s Stone cold. In the novel Swindell’s follows the runaway teenager, Link, from his home in Bradford to the mean streets of London where his path crosses that of Shelter, an ex-soldier who creates his own army while also cleaning up the streets of the homeless people he despises. In this essay I will show how the character is portrayed and how our view of him changes throughout the novel.In daily routine orders 3 Swindell’s choice of language makes Shelter sound very negative and hateful in the way he talks about homeless people. Swindells also uses army terms such as ‘Tour of inspection’ and it tells us that Shelter must be an ex-soldier and must still believe he is one. This gives us the impression that there’s something not quite just right about Shelter. In daily r outine orders 4 Shelter goes on to explain how the secret of victory in any campaign is planning and preparation. He describes his planning as being â€Å"Meticulous and my preparations are now complete†.One of the things he has acquired has helped him to complete and that is a cat. He talks of the cat as his distraction to who he really is. â€Å"A man who keeps a cat can’t possible mean any harm, can he? † He also named the cat Sappho which will project an image of a kind man who cares. There’s not yet any indication of violent intentions but there is a suspicion of something untoward. Daily routine orders 5 & 6 enters into Shelter’s concept pf his ‘mission’ and we learn about his abnormal thought and views on murder.He believes that killing the homeless people on the streets is his job, his duty to his country. He creates a pleasant and warm atmosphere among the victims to make them feel safe and willing to do whatever he says for s helter and food and drink. â€Å"He fell for it, hook, line and sinker†. Shelter tricked someone therefore planning it and not feeling regret for it. He uses the words ‘do-gooder’ which simply means someone who does good things. He uses these words throughout the novel to mock people who actually are ‘do-gooders’. Further on in the novel Shelter describes the people he has killed as ‘waste’.This tells us he couldn’t care less about how those people who were humans just like him. He tempts them with food and warmth and when they have their backs turned he strikes. We start off thinking that there is something not quite right about Shelter and the further we get on through the novel the clearer it becomes that Shelter is completely insane. In daily routine orders 12 & 13 Shelter is much more open about his ‘army’. â€Å"My lad’ll not be doing a lot of yomping, so it doesn’t matter if the footwear is a bit slack or a bit snug†.Obviously he’s describing a sort of ‘Dead Army’ and he has been making them look the part; cutting their hair all the same length, giving them the same boots even if they aren’t always the perfect fit since they are not going to be marching around anywhere because, as we know, they are all dead, murdered by Shelter to be precise. By this point in the novel we can tell he is absolutely insane. Shelter’s claims to be clever are completely correct. The way he coaxes people into believing he is a genuinely kind, friendly, caring and approachable man, takes skill. He can put on such a good act.In daily routine orders 15 he plays the part of a man who is truly upset about his missing cat and asks Link if he’s seen it. Also in daily routine orders 15 he fools the police into believing he had nothing to do with the disappearance of Tanya. In terms of cleverness Shelter is brilliant, completely undetectable. Link and Shelte r finally meet but now we see Shelter through Links eyes. In this last chapter you start feeling sorry for Shelter. To get like he is he must of have a pretty rough life. Link goes on about how Gail will come to save him and Shelter says â€Å"She’ll let you down, they always do†.With that statement we are told that he must have had a girlfriend in the past that let him down which immediately makes you feel sorry for him. So yes, seeing Shelter through Links eyes does change our view of him. I still wouldn’t trust him more than Link, based on what I already know. To conclude my essay on how Shelter changes throughout the novel. I’d say my view of shelter changed when we came to the end of the novel. To start with he was just plain strange. He gradually went from strange to right out insane. When we came to see Shelter through Links eyes I felt sorry for him and he needed a lot of psychological help.

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Obesity Is A Rising Problem - 1205 Words

Obesity is a rising problem not only in the United States but also in the whole word. With the constant increasing rates of it, something must be done in order to prevent this massive issue. Despite the fact that many local magazines and newspapers have pointed out some specific definitions of obesity, when someone heard of the word, thoughts that may come up to their mind are overweight, big or even unhealthy. According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, obesity is described as â€Å"a complex disorder involving an excessive amount of body fat†. Obesity isn’t just a cosmetic concern. It increases people’s risk of diseases and cause many health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and high blood pressure. Anybody at†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Family lifestyle. Obesity usually run within families. Family members tend to have similar eating lifestyle and activity habits. If one or both of a person are obese, their risk of being obese more likely higher than others †¢ Age. Obesity can occur at any age but as mentioned above. Young generation more likely to become obese than the others. Among twelve to twenty one, hormonal changes increase one’s risk of obesity and as you get older, the amount of muscle in your body tends to decrease with age. This lower muscle mass leads to a decrease in metabolism therefore reduce calorie needs and make it harder to keep off excess weight. †¢ Social and economic issue. Obesity can occur when one person doesn’t have a safe place for he/she to exercise or he/she might not have been taught healthy ways of cooking as well as not having enough money to buy healthier foods. In addition, people that you spend time with may influence your weight, you are more likely to become obese if you have a relatives or friends that are suffering from obesity Although genetic and hormonal influences on body weight in order to determine whether or not a patient is more likely to become obese but obesity usually results from a combination of causes and contributing factors, including: †¢ Inactivity. If you barely work out or very inactive, you don’t burn as many as calories as you should. With a sedentary lifestyle, you can easily take in more calories every day than the amount you